lladdr.info OpenBSD
purpose and application
This runbook sets up the environment and installs the application.
- checked out [lladdr.info repository|https://git.sr.ht/~nighthawk/lladdr.info]
- pre-compiled binary of lladdr.info
on the server
- Setting up the user account, downloading rc file and enabling the service
umask 077
useradd -g =uid -k /var/empty -m -d /var/lladdr.info -L daemon -c 'lladdr.info daemon' -s /sbin/nologin _lladdrinfo
ftp -vMo /etc/lladdrinfo https://git.sr.ht/~nighthawk/lladdr.info/blob/master/contrib/openbsd/lladdrinfo.rc
rcctl enable lladdrinfo
on the client
- Copying the binary and the template files for the application
cd <path to lladdr.info git repo>
scp <lladdrinfo binary> server:/var/lladdr.info/lladdr.info
scp -r templates/ server:/var/lladdr.info/
on the server
- adjust ownership and start the service
chgrp _lladdrinfo /var/lladdr.info/lladdr.info
chmod 0750 /var/lladdr.info/lladdr.info
rcctl start lladdrinfo
firewall rules
match out on egress inet proto { udp, tcp} to standards-oui.ieee.org port https user _lladdrinfo tag eallow