Settling in and some outlook
A night without sleep later I am slowly getting a clearer picture of how the pieces are fitting together. Ricing my blog is getting smoother and smoother as my understanding of sblg, HTML and CSS increases and I was able to unclutter both my Makefile and the HTML code. But there is a lot of additional chopping to be done.
I also managed to upgrade my bootstrap version and all of the open points mentioned in my first post are more or less resolved. The only missing thing is a way to make tags clickable so you only get to see articles matching a specific tag but as I don’t expect too many people to show up here in the near future this is not very high on my priority list.
So far I really enjoy sblg as it makes me getting to know HTML and CSS and
learning something new or getting to know something better is always very
enjoyable to me. I even improved the experience of my website on smaller
devices, with only one thing missing: that damn sidebar won’t go away 😕.
So hopefully no more distractions as I am actually in the process of cooking up a new post which might be the introduction to a new series of posts focussing on the topic of getting a deeper undestanding of one’s network.