rainloop and OpenBSD

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Update: I have corrected chown www /var/www/data to be chown www /var/www/rainloop/data in getting rainloop ready to rock

  • installing php and php-curl (and unzip)

      pkg_add -i php php-curl unzip
  • getting rainloop ready to rock

      mkdir /var/www/rainloop
      unzip ~/rainloop-community-latest.zip -d /var/www/rainloop
      cd /var/www/rainloop
      find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
      find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
      chown www /var/www/rainloop/data
  • configure php

      ln -s /etc/php-7.0.sample/curl.ini /etc/php-7.0/
  • enable php-fpm

      rcctl enable php70_fpm
      rcctl start php70_fpm
  • setup httpd

      location "/rainloop/data/*" {
      location "/rainloop/*.php*" {
              root { "/rainloop/", strip 1 }
              fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
      location "/rainloop/*" {
              root { "/rainloop/", strip 1 }
              directory index "index.php"
  • reload httpd and go to https://your.tld/rainloop

      rcctl restart httpd